No Tango Quartet “eleven”

release date 6/2017
at WismART w113
Distribution: HERE
Christina Fuchs -Sopran Saxofon, Klarinette, Bassklarinette, Komposition
Ulla Oster - Kontrabass, Komposition
Christoph Hillmann - Drums, Percussion
Florian Stadler - Akkordeon
Zwitschermaschine (C.Fuchs)
Schellenengel (C.Fuchs)
Der Seiltänzer (C.Fuchs)
Miss Eleven (U.Oster)
Ad Parnassum (C.Fuchs)
Tiptoe (U.Oster)
Chacarera (drunken) (U.Oster)
No Tango is clearly a cohesive unit, in part because the same four musicians who started the group over 11 years ago continue today and toured together through Europe, Marocco and Australia. Their unique, focused sound is enhanced by original compositions from Christina Fuchs and bassist Ulla Oster. The music of this Cologne based ensemble doesn’t belong in the hands ofanalysts, but in the ears of people, who enjoy music.
No Tango—is it jazz or tango? Clearly, it’s jazz, but with a little bit of tango and a lot of improvisation. The artistic centre is found around Christina Fuchs’ saxophone playing and FlorianStadler’s accordion, which one will find characteristic throughout the variety of the original compositions. Christina Fuchs’ compositions were inspired by artworks of Paul Klee and carry their titles like Zwitschermaschine, Der Seiltänzer, Ad Parnassum and Schellenengel.
The music - like the art- is delicate, rich in details, colourful and full of textures and stories, that want to be told.