... virtuoso dialogue, rousing enthusiasm, they have been playing together for 20 years as a working band and part of their personal self-concept, perhaps in the form of a life-long-lasting musical relationship. It is plain to see: this artistic affinity, sometimes turbulent career in musical understanding and communication.
The present recording of the historical entrance hall of the Oberlandesgericht/Cologne — a grand building — documented an unusual anniversary concert: the compositions were written for musical parameters of the extreme acoustics ( the room's 12- second reverberation). It worked. The unusual situation supports the sound, as the duo's third partner. It allows time for reflection and amplifies the meditative character of KontraSax.
Live-DVD-Production/Anniversary Concert: 20 Years of KontraSax 
(Georg Ruby)

"... the final CD to be discussed is the production, "KontraSax plays Gertrude Stein", which is a celebration of spirit.
It is a great performance about the great Gertrude. She is intertwined with the music of Christina Fuchs and Romy Herzberg. Renate Fuhrmann, who is member of the Cologne theatre, speaks and manipulates the text. The trio is entertaining and taut simultaneously. An incredible level of interaction. Sometimes you think that there is snow on Auntie Stein's famous rose. Pleasantly cool.

„KontraSax - double bass and reeds. A variety of stringed, plucked and percussion techniques vibrate the wooden body, then choked breath percussive power of soprano, alto saxophone and bass clarinet.
Christina Fuchs and Romy Herzberg tell clearly organized, self-contained improvised short stories as shared narrators. Even if Romy Herzberg waived conventional walking bass, she still accomplishes sonically-metric "basic work." With repeated figures, painted soundscapes, percussive patterns, she creates a well-supporting and inspiring basis for Fuchs' imaginative meandering, harmonious "astray" exploratory, and beautifully nuanced timbre melodies. All seven pieces are concentrated miniatures, played by a sensitive attuned duo."
Peter Niklas Wilson, Jazz-Podium
